I interned with TZIVA for 2½ months this past summer, after studying abroad on mainland Tanzania for 4 months. I taught English to three nursery level classes at the Hifadhi School located in Fuoni. I was initially scheduled to teach there for one month before moving onto another project, but I decided to stay for my entire time in Zanzibar. This was due to the amazing kids and teachers at that school, especially Teacher Marium, Fatma, Ummul and Vuai. I was also lucky to be there during all of Ramadan and to enjoy delicious foods and family time during Eid al-Fitr. My advice to future interns and volunteers is to try to come for a long period of time, if you are able. I say this because Zanzibar is one of those places with a deep history, a place where the longer you stay, the more you will know. Try to come with the hope of picking up some Kiswahili, forming relationships with people and trying to understand the various cultures of Zanzibar. If you are teaching, really listen to the kids in your class and the teachers around you. Don’t think that you know everything—because you probably don’t, and allow yourself to be taught just as much as you teach. I would also recommend learning basic Kiswahili before you come, so you can expand on it when you get there; it is the purest form spoken on the continent. So come to Zanzibar! You will not regret it, and say hello to everyone at the house for me!